Tuesday 9 December 2014

Lens Workshop//Filming

On Sunday, I took my DSLR camera with me on a walk around Sheffield. I had no plans of a route, I just wanted to walk and not really know where I was going, my only aim was to film short clips of parts of the walk as I was walking. With the footage I took, I then wanted to put all the footage together and speed it up to show the journey all together. However when I got back and looked at the footage, it was very blurry and jumpy from where it had captured my movements. I was very disappointed with the result, but on Monday we had our last workshop, the lens workshop. In this, I was able to find out what would be a better way to capture the footage I wanted to, in a smoother way without capturing too much of my walking movements. I have borrowed a G16 Canon digital camera from the university Creative Media Centre, so today I went on another walk around the city and this time used this to record my journey. This footage has turned out a lot better than before, as the camera is a lot more lightweight and easier to handle, it has captured the walk a lot more smoothly and in the way I wanted it to. I plan on editing the footage together very soon, and taking a lot more journeys around different parts of Sheffield and creating maps to go with each one.

On my first journey, I did however get to take some pictures of the city, as the sky was very crisp and blue that day, making very good lighting conditions.

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