Tuesday 22 July 2014

Back to business//Blogging

It's been a while since I posted my last blog post, since I finished my Art Foundation I have been busy catching up with friends who have been away at uni, trying to get fit and get a job, and going on holidays. But most of all I have felt pretty uninspired. Whilst I was at art school there was inspiration all around me. I was constantly surrounded by fascinating people who had the same interests as me and thought provoking art work that would spark questions and conversations that I could spend hours dwelling on. I am still surrounded by brilliant people, but not all have the same interests and thoughts as me when it comes to art and creativity, so it has been hard to find inspiration and ideas. Despite this, I am determined to get back into blogging as much as I can, and very soon I am going to set myself a summer art project to work on so that I don't get out of practice before I go to Uni September!

I had the most amazing time on the Art Foundation and made some friends I will always treasure, so leaving left me on a bit of a low, I just felt deflated and didn't really know what to do with myself. I went from being busy 24/7 and the weeks before the final exhibition being completely hectic, to then having all the time in the world with no deadlines and nothing to work for. So when I went back into college for the first time since finishing to find out that I had achieved a Distinction grade (the highest grade) I was absolutely over the moon and felt like nothing else mattered in the world. I was so uplifted, and all the hard work had paid off. I got some amazing feedback from my tutors, they were both so supportive and proud of the level of work I had put in over the year. They invited me and my group of friends in a few weeks after to say our final goodbyes, where we gave them gifts that we have bought, and they presented us with tea and cake. It really was a lovely way to say goodbye, and I definitely won't forget all their wacky words of wisdom and the support they gave me on the course, I couldn't have done it without them!

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