Monday 26 January 2015

Psychogeography 2//Editing

With my first film I had a lot of help editing, but this time I 
was taught the basics of what I needed to know to put this
piece together, so I was able to do it mostly independently. 

I changed the Clip Speed from 100% to either 200%,300% or 400%,
depending on the original length of the clip, to make it faster in order to
decrease the length of the whole finished film and to make it more visually
After the Clip Speed had been edited, the clip next to the now shorter clip was
in the same place on the timeline so I had to 'Ripple Delete' the empty space.

A lot of the time I didn't want the whole of the clip in the final film because
they were too long, so I had to select the part of the clip I did want. To do this,
I selected where I wanted it to start by pressing 'I' (In) when viewing the clip,
then 'O' (Out) when I wanted it to end. Then I dragged the chosen piece onto
the timeline and that is what would appear in the finished piece.

I did not want audio in my piece, as that is not what I was trying to capture
and the audio on the GoPro wasn't great quality, so I had to delete this from my
clips. The audio is automatically linked to each film clip, so to delete the audio
I first had to 'unlink' it. This was done by selected all the clips on the timeline,
right clicking and selecting the 'unlink' option.

To create a fade out at the beginning and end of the finished film, I selected
the pen tool and created 2 points where I wanted the film to start fading in at
the beginning and out at the end. By dragging the yellow line across the film I
was able to change the opacity, which created a fade effect.

When I had finished editing each clip and the film was put together, I had to
render the film, which makes all the clips join together as one piece to play
through without glitching or freezing. 

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